

In this page you will be able to find a log of all the news published on IBkey since it appeared.


14/07/2009: IBkey publishes IBkey-device-manager

The IBkey-device-manager project has been designed for the treatment and management of digital signatures in different formats.

14/07/2009: IBkey publishes IBkey-BPM

The main changes introduced are:

  • Adaptation for its use with the standard defined by the IBkey project (Jboss-3.2.7 and EJB 2.0).
  • Generic user interface to access the JBPM flow, which enabled: the execution of flows and electronic signature of processes.
  • The user interface to administer the JBPM flows which enable the loading of flows, visualisation and monitoring of the flows and the configuration of general flow parameters.

27/10/2010: VALCERT module released

Final release has just been made public. Full documentation is on the wiki.

Main features are:

  • Certificate validation based on rules.
  • CADES, XADES and Pades compliance
  • Safekeeping based on validation and safekeeping policies

28/10/2010: IBkey has now its own web site

From now on, at the url http://ibkey.sourceforge.net you will be able to find all the information, executables and source code for the group of applications IBkey.

17/02/2012: Published IBkey-BPM 1.0.29

Release 1.0.29 of project IBkey-BPM has been published.

17/02/2012: Published IBkey-device-manager 3.3.1

Release 3.3.1 of project ibkey-device-manager has been published. This version has been improved to allow installation on multiple domains.

17/02/2012: Published IBkey-valcert 1.8

Release 1.8 of project ibkey-valcert has been published.

17/02/2012: IBkey publishes project IBkey-Enterprise 2.0.6

The IBkey-enterprise project is an adaptation of JBPM framework for workflows of documents with digital signatures

17/02/2012: IBkey publishes project IBkey-enterprise signature-client 2.0.4

IBkey publishes project IBkey-enterprise signature-client 2.0.4

17/02/2012: IBkey publishes project IBkey-enterprise certification-client 2.0.3

IBkey publishes project IBkey-enterprise certification-client 2.0.3

17/02/2012: IBkey deprecates the wiki

The wiki has been deprecated, and all documentation available will be published in the downloads directory.

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